A Mother's Day Card

Proverbs 22:6- Train up a child in the way he should go. And when he is old he will not depart from it.
It was Mother’s Day and greetings are overwhelming. But nothing would make my heart melt but to receive a card from my own child. This is the first card that my daughter Mikay gave to me, it was done during our Friday service in the children ministry with her teacher Jaz. 

It wasn’t a card that is perfectly made with all those fancy colours and decors but it was just a card made from a pink bond paper with paper star cut outs with letters I, heart shape and U to say the word I Love You

Inside it, was just the words “Happy Mothers Day” written with ordinary crayons. All in all, it was typically done by a four year old child. And for a mother like me it is special and I love it. 

My daughter Mikay is very playful and loves to watch cartoons, her favourite is Winnie the Pooh, Sponge Bob Square pants, Tom and Jerry, Mickey Mouse, Bear and the Big Blue House, Wiggles, Dora the Explorer, Blues Clues, Baby Einstein and lot more. But I don’t forget to let her watch Christian based cartoons like Max Lucado’s Hermie, Vegetales, Threads and Psalty. It’s a good supplement in training up our children to learn Christian values. Well I don’t have that much problem with my daughter because she can play all by herself, she is so imaginative and self satisfied. She never forgets the things I taught her. Though there are times that she get stubborn but she is a very sweet girl and doesn’t forget to say “I Love You” or “Sorry”, and “Thank You” whenever it is due. I’m so proud of my daughter, she is really a joy to the family.

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